Cloud computing has recently emerged as a new computing paradigm aiming at providing reliable, flexible, IT infrastructure and services based on externalized, virtual resources. In this context, users may upload Virtual Machine (VM) images into a Cloud storage service, from which they are propagated on demand to the physical nodes on which they are supposed to run. It is therefore important for the Cloud storage service to provide efficient support for VM storage in a context where a large number of clients may concurrently upload a large number of VMs, each of which may subsequently be needed by a large number of computing nodes. This work addressed the problem of building such an efficient distributed repository for Cloud Virtual Machines. To meet this goal, our approach leveraged BlobSeer, a system for efficient management of massive data concurrently accessed at a large-scale, as a storage back end for the Cloud VM repository. As a case study, we con- sidered the Nimbus Cloud environment, whose repository currently relies on the GridFTP high-performance file transfer protocol. We have integrated BlobSeer as a back-end storage layer for GridFTP and evaluated our prototype on the Grid’5000 testbed.